Narrative Design Toolkit
Learn how to blend words and graphics in a shared experience to chart a direction, to foster ownership, and to align all stakeholders.
Narrative design toolkit is made of 10 visual tools you can use for any kind of communication need and story creation. It brings out the "unbound storyteller" inside you.
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours
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The outcome
You are able to:
- Use narration as a basic structure to present ideas or information
- Strengthen skills when creating and selecting content
- Organize the contents in the form of a story with a beginning, middle and end
- Know when and how to use effective hooks Use simple drawings to prepare a good visual design
- Know a repeatable framework to develop and structure a communication or project from start to finish
- Design for a specific audience
- Innovate by building shared meaning
- Be able to conceive a verbal and visual narrative that connects with your audience
Video Coming soon
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