3 ways to use and connect with Anti-Method Atelier
Beta version
One-time fee: 60€ for 90 days / french version only
Access to all courses (core + satellite) and 3 toolboxes
Live conversations and events with Marion & partners:
This is a space to listen to each other, answer your questions and connect your learning journey with other fields of knowledge.
User License or teams
Tailor-made solution
Access to all courses (core + satellite) and 3 toolboxes
Group mentoring (private or public): You will be able to share your ideas, questions and results in private discussion spaces. The group gives each other feedback.
Customized support services for use cases, specific needs and problem solving.
Communities of practice
Access to all courses (core + satellite) and 3 toolboxes
Your own private space:
Use Anti-Method Atelier as a tool to foster a culture of creative leadership, autonomy, mental agility and global thinking among your participants and collaborators.
Anti-Method Atelier 2024 © All rights reserved . Legal Terms . Contact: marion@antimethod-atelier.com www.marioncharreau.com