Courses collection
From Mind mapping to Word Squeezer, all of Marion Charreau's courses are here, and they are all yours.
You won't be able to practice just one. Learn with us on your time. Start and stop at your own pace.
The top 3 we recommend as a priority.
Idea Architects
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
Organize and visualize ideas with both a structured and systematic approach to identify priorities, focus on goals, and maintain a vision of the whole. Understand and practice the essence of Mind Mapping.
This course enables you to reposition yourself, synthesize information, balance efficiency and creativity, and reconnect with thinking as a pleasure.
Drawing as a tool
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
Reconcile yourself with visual language and use simple drawing to accompany the process of thinking and doing.
This course shows you how to capture and shape ideas when you can't verbalize them yet. It helps you renew mental representations and comunicate complex topics in simple and memorable ways.
Unbound StoryCreators
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
Learn how to blend words and graphics in a shared experience to chart a direction, to foster ownership, and to align all stakeholders.
This Narrative design course is made of 10 visual tools you can use for any kind of communication need and story creation. It brings out the "unbound storycreator" inside you.
Going deeper:
Storyboarding Lab
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
Practice how to build a verbal and visual guide for your workshops, events, standalone documents, projects, workflow or action plan.
Making storyboards helps people ground ideas, check the clarity of concepts, and ensure coherent flow. The result synchronizes intentions with tangible actions.
The Word Squeezer
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
A collection of techniques to fluidify compact words, deconstruct abstract concepts or revive empty expressions with the aim of creating a shared meaning with your audience.
Enabling people to learn
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
Learn how to use mind mapping and visual thinking to teach another way helping students build their own knowledge, be critical, curious and motivated.
This course enables you to transition from simply 'transmitting ideas' in teaching to facilitating a secure and enjoyable path toward understanding and growth.
Visual Facilitation
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
Understand the role of visual facilitator, use mind mapping for collaborative events, work as a graphic recorder and scriber... All you need to know to lead visual meetings.
Creative techniques & maps
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
And assortment of cheeky strategies to help you unlock ideas and bring out answers you don't know you have yet.
Your Strategic Handbook
Nº modules, Nº classes, Nº hours, Nº downloads, Languages available:
A path of questions to help you analize and define the essence of your entreprenarial project, build your verbal and visual language and find your key storyline. The result is an identity guide used as a springboard to launch your project into the world.
Mind mapping for children & parents
Could be a course too?
Having an idea is a rare occurrence, so take care of it.
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